If uncertain about your combination or have questions, feel free to contact us.
MEANING: This bead promotes inner balance, aids in hormonal balance and helps to balance relationships. Helps to realise inner veils and troubles in relationships. It symbolises Unity of the Opposites, Inner Harmony, Love, Contentment, Blissful Equanimity. Balances water element and promotes meditation. The best way to wear is as a bracelet of one bead or in combination with other beads of even number of faces ( mukhis). Click on the product to read more.....
MEANING: This 3 mukhi Rudraksha bead helps one realise one's issues especially those around one's self-identity, karmic veils and ancestral karmic inheritance. Wearing this bead on the body helps to heal one's centre of power, solar plexus, and issues related to it such as digestion, burning, heat, too much or too less anger, anger issues and underlining issues, fever and suppressed passions. Helps to release suppressed feelings and emotions and balance fire element ( a quality of consciousness to express, connect with the world, manifest own will and power, makes one fearless and more confident. Makes one more determined and fearless. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: This bead supports one's self-expression, learning. Helps one to achieve heights in spiritual and other forms of learning, in speaking, writing and improves one's oratorial skills, Promotes health of throat & thyroid, overall stability in life, balanced communication. Makes one realise own power of expression and speech. Helps one to realise deeper meaning if spiritual texts, scriptures and improves one's intellectual abilities, concentration, power of research and investigation. It enhances one's patience and one's grasping capacity. Helps balance earth and air elements in one's consciousness. Click on the product to continue reading...
MEANING: This bead is a very powerful tool for meditation once one in a kantha or rosary. It promotes inner balance, inner harmony, blissful being, equanimity, meditation, meditative absorption, Yoga. It means that it is one of the best tools for meditation, spiritual practices, learning and improving one's skills, controlling one's senses with the aim to balance one's lifestyle and acquire more discipline. It promotes desire to learn, improve, acquire new knowledge, skills and spiritual wisdom. This bead balances five elements and improves concentration, breathing and function of bronchioles. It has capacity to balance one's nervous system, lower anxiety and blood pressure levels. It can be worn as a pendant or in a rosary. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: This bead is auspicious and promotes inner power, determination and at the same time makes one grounded, content and more focused on essential activities. This bead helps to resolve issues with anger and resentment stored in the lower abdominal area, sexual organs and lower back. It helps one to realise issues behind former relationships failures and dissolve traumatic experiences within. It helps one to refocus and build career, gain prosperity, improve charisma and manifestation skills by channeling one's energy properly. People having anger issues, relationships problems due to temper issues and uncontrollable fierce expression may find this bead very useful. It promotes inner peace, contentment and balance in life. Click on the product to continue reading...
MEANING: This bead promotes one's well-being on all levels, health wise, financially and in personal life. It helps to heal solar plexus and with this gradual healing opens up new opportunities in career, related to job search or in business. Wearing this bead alone as a pendant or bracelet, as kantha (a rosary) or in a combination with other beads brings tremendous success in worldly and spiritual activities. The bead helps to heal solar plexus and digestion as well as resolve issue around self-confidence, self-expression and creative thinking. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: This bead has 8 faces and promotes rootedness in oneself, disease free body, deeper awareness about self and the world of illusion within the self, knowledge about occult, spirituality and spiritual arts. Helps one to reveal inner suppressed sexuality and creativity or that which hinders its expression. It invokes inner power to know and see, as well as to overcome inner and outer obstacles. It invokes the power of change within and spontaneity. Helps to accomplish projects and set up businesses, yet carries an element of mystery and detachment that keeps one wondering about the way things organise and happen. It helps one to unfold dormant potential and bring to the surface that which is hidden and obstructing one's path to success (in any field). It is recommended to wear a one bead bracelet or in combination with other beads. Good for astrologers, spiritual pursuits, researchers, archeologists and people working in the field of mystery, occult, unknown, hidden sciences, as detectives, psychologists and wonderers. Rosaries of the same bead are recommended for mystics, meditators, people working with subconscious distortions, dreams, occult sciences and subtle realms. Click on the product to read more..
MEANING: 9 mukhi bead is very auspicious it possesses many qualities and gives best results when worn alone as a pendant or in a siddha Rudraksha Combination with other beads in the form of an armlet. 9 mukhi positively effect the upper glands, activates heart and blissful being. Balances energies in the body and promotes proper energy circulation in the subtle and physical bodies. It is known to pacifies the effect of 9 planets and learn the lessons of the planets faster. It helps one realise the bliss of awakening, bliss of equanimous being, Yoga. It promotes meditative absorption, samadhi and helps to express oneself creatively as well as realise one's projects, creative ideas, business initiatives and express self in a more poetic way. It promotes one's intellectual development, as well as helps to evolve spiritually. 9 mukhi connects one with the higher being and supports evolution of one's spiritual intelligence. It activates the sacred chamber, spiritual power & knowledge. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: 10 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha is quite rare and is best worn as a Rudraksha rosary ( Rudraksha kantha) or as one bead armlet or bracelet. It promotes inner peace and meditative state. It acts as a spiritual shield against occult forces and inner negativity or negative emotions of fear, anger, envy and irritability. It promotes inner contentment and pacifies malific effect of planets. It shields one on a physical and subtle levels if properly activated and blessed by a yogi or infused by one's own spiritual power and positive emanations. 10 mukhi helps to get rid of inner tensions, emotional residue and pains. It is considered to be lucky and bring victory in battles, court cases and win over the competitors or enemies. It helps one to get rid of debts. It promotes focus, concentration, inner discipline and self-management. It helps one to resolve issue peacefully and methodically. It is most suitable for lawyers, military people, government officials, businessmen and project-managers as well as spiritual teachers, healer and meditators. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: 11 mukhi bead is one of the most auspicious and rare beads. It is a symbol of spiritual victory, inner freedom and freedom of expression. Wearing of 11 mukhi Rudraksha bead promotes conscious will-power, wisdom, helps develop Siddhis & power of speech. It is one of the best beads for spiritual progress and for success in spiritual practices (sadhana). This Rudraksha bead positively effects thyroid and upper glands and helps to balance their work and align them in a coherent way. Wearing this bead as instructed promotes spiritual intelligence, wisdom and connection with the higher being. This bead balances air element and space of one's consciousness, promoting disciplined lifestyle, dedication to the chosen path and inner knowing. One's speech becomes clear bold and captivating for listeners. It is suitable for orators, politicians, spiritual leaders, yogis, meditators and governors. This bead opens up a new vision, a new perspective and understanding to oneself and the world. It is perfect for spiritual development and self-empowerment especially if worn in a Rudraksha combination together with other beads in an armlet. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: This bead promotes high-self esteem, leadership, motivation and hard working. Helps one to find direction in life and direct own power of consciousness towards the realisation of one's career, business or personal goals and higher purpose. Helps one acquire high position in life, status, success, fame and money. It promotes overall radiance and health of the solar plexus and digestive organs. For the best results it is recommended to wear this bead as an armlet or bracelet of one bead or in a special combination with other beads. Click on the product to read more
MEANING: 13 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is a rare spiritual gem that enhances one's personal and spiritual charisma. Helps one to break through all the inner emotional constrains and limitations and perceive the ultimate reality of the self. It is the bead of awakening and may support one's refinement process after the kundalini awakening (spiritual awakening) process. 13 mukhi Rudraksha bead supports one in releasing stale energy in the body, especially related to suppressed sexuality and residue of personal relationships. This bead boosts one's connection with the self, and promotes one's spiritual vision. It helps to realise one's direction in life and know the deepest of one's desires as well as promotes of the manifestation of one's innate desires. This bead helps to improve subtle body circulation and helps to realise the essence of free self-expression, creativity, power of attraction and manifestation as well as spiritual sublimation. Useful in genital healing. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: The14 mukhi Rudraksha bead is one of the most grounding and inner reality invoking beads. A 14 mukhi Rudraksha bead worn alone as an armlet of bracelet or in combination with other beads is a powerful protection shield around one's physical and subtle bodies that is essential for one's smooth spiritual evolution and balanced worldly life. This bead invokes courage, luck, inner strength and determination to pursue goals and ideals. The 14 mukhi bead helps one to unfold inner essence, contentment and inner power to face life with all its adversities. It is believed to promote spiritual advancement and yogic powers activation. The bead invokes true spiritual devotion, acceptance and courage to go through the hardships of the spiritual path. It is quite a rare bead and is considered to be a valuable asset in one's life. It may also help in strengthening relationships with people, in managing people and assets, and seeing one's opponent's weaknesses in case of disputes. Some reported the bead was a lucky charm for them in court and while dealing with financial matters. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: The 15 mukhi Rudraksha bead is related to the category of rare ones and thus is a valuable item. This bead is best worn on the body in a form of a pendant on a heart area, but can also be worn as a single bead bracelet or armlet or as a part of a combination of other Rudraksha beads of odd numbers. This bead is the best for the activation and proper function of thymus gland and promotes immunity, healthy circulation of energy in the upper part of the body as well as improves blood circulation through arteries and heart, provided you also apply healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle. This bead helps to see and realise the inner most heart desires and fulfil them. A 15 mukhi Rudraksha bead helps one to heal one's relationship with the self and dissolve past traumatic experiences related to family and other relationships, around self-love and self-respect issues as well as issues related to former betrayals or failures in partnership. It helps to gradually process, realise and dissolve subtle pains related to unforgiveness, bitterness, numbness and other painful reactions stored in our upper body: in the heart, chest area and lungs. The bead is believed to support one in breaking through inner patterns and healing relationships, and thus helping one to become a better version of the self, changing within, healing and vibrating differently. Thus, a 15 mukhi Rudraksha bead is an invaluable tool for one's spiritual practice and self-refinement with an aim to improve one's relationship with the world and in partnerships, helping one attract new, more fruitful and fulfilling relationships in the future. It also helps one to be always alert and work on the self ensuring the stability of the newly formed relationships. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: The 16 mukhi Rudraksha bead is one of the most powerful Rudraksha beads and is definitely a gem to own. A genuine 16 mukhi Rudraksha bead of Himalayan or Javanese origin is able to activate one's inner power and spiritual being. It works best while worn on the body in a form of a single bead armlet or bracelet in silver. It is also incredible while worn in an armlet with other even number of mukhis such as 2-4-6-8-10-12... mukhis ( faces) Such a combination heals one's body on multiple levels by revealing subtle reasons for the imbalance, and creates a protective shield around one's body on a physical and subtle levels. It is truly a magic bead what comes to balancing fluids in the body, activating upper glands, thalamus and hypothalamus. It relieves one from inner phobias and childhood fears and thus releases one's true chreative and sexual potential. It promotes proper sexual energy circulation and inner expression. It protects one's vital force and rejuvenates the body. It invokes spiritual power, siddhis, & victory over internal and external enemies if properly activated and charged through one's spiritual being. It promotes spiritual transformation, wisdom and higher spiritual states. It is also used in promoting fertility and virility. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: The 17 mukhi Rudraksha bead is rare and thus is an invaluable spiritual gem. A 17 rudraksha bead is best worn as a single bead armlet or bracelet. 17 mukhi Rudraksha bead promotes intuition, spiritual knowledge and spiritual awakening. It is the bead that in time makes one a master of one's own life, helps one to fulfil one's life purpose and inner desires as well as invokes true being, contentment and confidence which pave the way to one's internal and external prosperity, wealth and well-being. 17 mukhi bead activates one's inner sacred chamber, promotes natural meditative being and balances upper glands.
It is most effective for an advanced spiritual (sadhana) practice and during the process of spiritual advanced or subtle refinement and transformation in a combination with 11-13-15 mukhi Rudraksha beads in a silver armlet. 17 mukhi Rudraksha bead balances one's flow of thinking and helps one refine subtle forms of spiritual ego, conceptual limitations and balances the brain. It promotes seeing through the illusions or veils of the self and helps a wise adept refine them. It is useful in healing brain function, eye sight and neurological disorders. It brings one an insight and spiritual fluidity to flow along life smoothly and consciously. It works only if activated, worn properly and amplified by one's own spiritual power. By wearing this bead as a pendant or a single bead bracelet or armlet on the body one is able to connect to the power of the bead and through one's own meditative practices and the process of self-refinement invoke its subtle power and amplify it through one's own embodied being. This way, through one's own purity and maturity one may also attract benevolent forces of creation to further advance on one's spiritual path. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: The 18 mukhi Rudraksha is a rare gem. The higher mukhis beads are scarce and genuine beads are an invaluable asset. 18 mukhi Rudraksha bead is a the bead that activates the inner chamber and aligns its function with the proper function of the sexual glands and lower abdominal organs. This bead is the mother of activation of the creative energy that is the mother of abundance. That is why by wearing this bead as in a single bead bracelet or armlet one experiences tremendous activation and a release of one's creative potential that one may direct either towards one's spiritual , intellectual or worldly success and achievement pursuits. 18 mukhi Rudraksha bead activates one's pituitary gland and positively effects one's intuitive mind. It makes supports one in mastering any field or profession and makes one a true professional or a master in a selected field. It is best suitable for people managing their own business, working in a creative field, with nature, in healing and nurturing professions, in the field of innovation and natural sciences. It is also recommended for people who want to open up their creative potential, experience abundance and enhance their connection with nature as well as gain knowledge from it. It is suitable for internal alchemists, meditators and spiritual adepts. It is also believed to be lucky for people who deal with oil, natural resources, real estate, land and agriculture. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: The 19 mukhi Rudraksha bead is a rare natural gem and may be considered as an invaluable asset in one's life. 19 mukhi Rudraksha bead activates one's heart to live life of abundance creative thinking, spiritual wisdom and harmony with other people. It promotes inner joy, spiritual bliss and conscious living. It transforms one from a limited being into an unlimited spiritual flow of life through one's embodied being. By wearing this bead on the body as a pendant one activates one's spiritual and physical heart and promotes overall well-being. This bead is magical what comes to dissolving patterns of victimisation and past failures impressed on one's heart and consciousness. By wearing this bead one simply transforms and becomes the source of abundance charisma and knowledge emanation, naturally attracting and forming right alliances with supportive and like-minded people. This bead is known to heal one's heart. It invokes deep inner healing, forgiveness to self and the world, and an ability to let go of everything unnecessary in life. It comes into one's life only by grace, spiritual effort and blessing. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: Gaurishankar is a bead of the two naturally joined together beads into one. This bead may have different number of mukhis depending on of what natural beads it consists. Most of the Gaurishankar beads consist of two 2,3,4,5,6 etc. mukhi beads joint together. We offer 9,10,11,12,13 mukhi Gaurishankar beads. Usually it is 9,10 or 11 mukhi beads. When you order you may specify if you want a particular number of Gaurishankar bead on checkout or by contacting us. It is best worn as a single bead pendant or bracelet/ armlet as instructed with the purchase, or as a kantha or rosary of 32+1 or 54+1 beads. Gaurishankar bead promotes unity of the opposite current within, balance in the body and mind, harmony with oneself and in relationships. This Rudraksha bead heals the heart and the mind and realigns them to work in perfect harmony. Click on the product to read more...
MEANING: Inquire about the price and availability by email
Invokes Immense Inner Power to create, manifest and enjoy spiritual and physical being. Promotes wealth, self-mastery, Activates natural Divine Flow within as well as Siddha Power. Suitable for people who work for the best of humanity, leaders, business people, teachers and spiritual adepts.